... is a comprehensive, digital tutorial bundle to teach you the keys to bringing happiness, peace, and healing to the relationships you care the most about.
(PS -- Includes romantic, parental, family, friend, and professional relationships, too!)

Learn how to identify a toxic relationship and what to do if you're in one
Learn the secrets to healthy relationships and how to cultivate these secrets in your own life (for current and future relationships!)
Learn what healthy boundaries are, why they're so important, and how to start implementing them with the people in your life
Learn how to quickly heal the triggers that sabotage your joy and create frustrating conflicts and unhappiness
Learn whose needs you should be taking care of first. (Hint: It's YOU. And you'll learn why and how.)
End the Frustration and Find Peace With the Relationship Reset Solution
Now only $47!!
Lock in this low price today. The price will be going up soon!

I'm sharing what I know from my own experience with messy relationships...
From years of abusive, unhealthy, toxic relationships full of hurt, conflict, emotional pain, and uncertainty... to being married now for 24 years to my best friend, Michael.
And not in a "happily-ever-after" sort of way either... but a "warriors on the battlefield" sort of way, where we learned to survive and endure together through 18 years of my Complex-PTSD (...that wasn't there when he married me).
My husband lost the woman he married when I was diagnosed with C-PTSD (Complex PTSD) after the traumatic birth of our second daughter. At times we both wanted to give up. At times we hung on by a thread, not knowing if we could make it through.
I didn't know if I could make it through...
But I'm here today, and Mike and I smile at each other every morning, grateful for each other and what we have. We've got our scars, but at the root of it all is a neverending love that has weathered through the many storms and hurricanes life has brought us, and we've come out stronger for it.
The Relationship Reset Solution gives you the secrets to our strength and tenacity...
The strategies for turning things around, and also how to recognize when it's time to cut the cord.
These are the best tips garnered from years of bad relationships that helped me create and sustain wonderful, enriching relationships.
I applied these tips and strategies not just with my husband, but with my entire family.
And you can learn these right now, implement them immediately, and begin to see results in a matter of days.
Stop Struggling... Get the Relationship Reset Solution and See How Tiny Changes Can Create Dramatic Results!
So... Why the
Relationship Reset Solution?
Hi! I'm Juanima Hiatt. You can call me Nima.
I'm a Transformation Coach specializing in Rapid Trauma Recovery. I've worked with hundreds of people between the ages of 10 to 75+ years old to help them rapidly resolve past trauma, get set free from the pain of PTSD and C-PTSD, and transform their beliefs around what they're capable of, as well as what the future can hold.
The idea for this Relationship Reset Solution came to me when I realized that many people I knew were struggling in their relationships. From narcissistic behaviors, to repeatedly choosing the wrong person, to not being able to set boundaries and being miserable...
And so I asked myself a question...

"How can I help people find answers to their relationship challenges fast and effectively, AND teach them how to approach their relationships in new and empowering ways... RIGHT NOW... when they need it the most?"
I didn't ask... How can I help them transform their entire life? That would take several months.
I didn't ask... How can I help them resolve all of their past trauma? Again... a few months.
I asked, "How can I help people understand the secrets to healthy, thriving relationships, and teach them strategies to implement into their existing relationships that will bring positive, tangible results in the shortest amount of time?"
I mulled it over and circled back around to one of the things I know best...
Strategies I've been using for YEARS that got me away from the negative, destructive relationships I habitually ended up in... to finding my soulmate and being married now for 25 years.
Strategies that kept us growing stronger and more solid year after year... despite our lives being turned upside down not long after saying, "I do."
And I can teach you these strategies fast.
Like... SUPER fast.
Relationships Get Messy...
Even healthy relationships have ups and downs, and there is bound to be conflict because life isn't a fairy tale.
You know... even Disney princesses get ANGRY!
But what if you knew that you could not only survive conflict, but that you could come through it unscathed, with a hug, and peace between you?
It's absolutely possible.
I know this because, over the years, I have learned that the way I communicate and behave in my relationships - and the dynamics I brought to the relationships - had a lot to do with the beliefs I had about myself (not what my friend or partner believed about me).

You see... Through my teenage years and early 20s, my relationships followed a pattern: they were emotionally abusive, and I was disrespected and unappreciated. Communication was poor, and because I avoided conflict at all costs, arguments were a regular thing. I didn't know how to share my feelings, and I was afraid of their feelings if they weren't happy with me.
I consistently compromised my wants and needs and felt misunderstood. I couldn't bring up an issue without it becoming a full-blown argument that made me want to hide; so I often kept my unhappiness to myself.
I walked on eggshells. I altered my mood and attitude depending on how they were in the moment.
What I discovered later... is that I chose partners from a place of pain and a desperate need for love.
But I wanted something better for my life.
To get something better, I needed to recognize that I was choosing them... but why?? Somewhere deep inside I didn't believe I deserved any better than what I'd had.
I decided to go on a mission of self-discovery. I needed to understand why I kept ending up in dysfunctional relationships. The relationship I was in at the time ended in a painful, emotional blow-up; but in hindsight, I'm grateful for it.
I needed to be pushed to the edge of being fed up and having enough... Of being sick and tired of the pain and heartache.
I made a commitment to God then that I wouldn't date anyone until I got my heart right. Until I believed deep down that I deserved better, and then I created a vision of what I DID want. (Like...a SUPER detailed list on paper!!!)
Four years later... I met the man who not only matched everything on that list, but he became my best friend and husband, and in December 2022, we'll be celebrating our 25-year anniversary.
But this is NOT about the law of attraction... This is about deep, internal CHANGE. Changing what I believed about myself, in turn, created a domino effect of changing what I believed about everything else. I saw things from a new perspective. I saw LOVE from a new perspective.
I understood that I deserved respect and love, just as much as I was willing to give it.
I learned about healthy love, respect, and compromise... NOT demands, manipulation, fear, and constant self-sacrifice.
But that's not the whole story. Not by a long shot.
In the beginning, our marriage was wonderful. We were happy, although in hindsight I could see how past conditioning still made me terrified of conflict for the first few years. I am so grateful for his sensitive heart. He was extremely patient and gentle with me when "we needed to talk."
Our first daughter was born in 1999, and I had a dream of having three more, but that dream was interrupted.
First, I suffered a miscarriage two years later. Then, in 2003, a traumatic childbirth triggered the uprising of years of childhood trauma I had buried, and I was diagnosed with C-PTSD.
It is an understatement to say it changed me... The calm, stable, happy woman transformed into a jumpy, on-edge woman living from a place of fear, confusion, and emotional turmoil...
I disappeared from myself... my family... and the world.
And in that dark time... my husband lost the woman he married and found himself in unchartered territory, not having a clue on how to navigate this new reality.
The thing about trauma is that it is unexpected. It shocks and rocks our world in ways we try to forget. But no matter how deep we bury it, the hard truth is that it changes us. It literally changes and rewires our brain, which impacts everything we think, say, and do going forward.
Navigating Complex PTSD was hell. AND... looking back at it all, I wouldn't change anything.
I have been transformed through my journey with C-PTSD, and ultimately became BETTER than the woman my husband married.
We transformed together... step by step... learning how to navigate that hell through patience, communication, persistence, commitment, dedication, love, respect, trust, hope, faith, listening, and Never. Giving. Up.
He never gave up on me (though some said he should)... I didn't give up on him... and I didn't give up ME (I came close, but that's another story).
We refined our love. We stuck with it through the messy parts until we could come together again in an embrace.
It's not magic. It's hard work and specific strategies that we cultivated through the years together in our marriage to make it through (and I've condensed those strategies into this concise-yet-comprehensive digital bundle to save you those years of trial and error).
I'll be honest and say that my hubby and I are not done working on our relationship -- and there are scars and wounds that need healing -- but we're not afraid of that. Through it all, we have come to believe in each other so strongly, that there is no question that we can weather through any storm... together.
We've built a foundation of love, promise, strength, and commitment.
And I want to show you how we did it...
Ok... So what is the Relationship Reset Solution?
The Relationship Reset Solution teaches you the strategies for healthy, happy relationships, covering five very important topics
Triggers: Those events that seem to "flip a switch" in an individual, making them angry, defensive, upset, or cause intense emotional flares and disruption. I'll teach you where those come from and how to quickly heal them.
Boundaries: You'll learn how to set healthy boundaries, as well as how to identify unhealthy boundaries and why you might be struggling to set them in the first place.
Toxic Relationships: You'll learn the signs - how to identify whether you're in one, and what to do if you are.
Your Needs Are Important, Too! You'll learn how to talk to yourself in a new way that will cultivate a habit of honoring YOUR needs first. You deserve that!
45 Best Strategies for Cultivating Healthy Relationships: You'll learn powerful strategies you can implement immediately to instantly improve communication, responses, emotional management, handling difficult conversations, understanding the other person better, and cultivating peace and calm.
What's In It For You?
The Relationship Reset Solution works for any kind of relationship -- parent/child, friendships, significant others, marriages, family relationships, romantic relationships, teacher/student, professional, or work relationships.
If any relationship currently causes you stress or is negatively impacting your quality of life, you'll benefit from the Relationship Reset Solution.
If you're tired of the bickering, fighting, walking on eggshells, or defensiveness (by you OR them), the Relationship Reset Solution can help.
If you're ready to bring peace to your relationships and see improved communication, the Relationship Reset Solution is for you.
If you're wondering if a relationship you're currently in is healthy or "normal" (and what to do if it isn't), you'll find answers in the Relationship Reset Solution.
If you just want to show up better in the relationships you're currently in, the Relationship Reset Solution is for you!
Inside the Relationship Reset Solution, I share:
How to recognize when a relationship is toxic and unhealthy (and what to do if it is)
How to show up differently in relationships to influence positive change
How to implement healthy boundaries in your relationships (and the reasons why you may have struggled with this in the past)
How to argue effectively, so it doesn't go on for hours, days, or weeks, and actually brings resolution
The secrets to healthy, relaxed communication that brings positive results
The secrets to cultivating happy, positive, long-term relationships
How to love yourself -- because the relationship with YOU is the most important relationship of all
All of this and more in a short, condensed, easy-to-digest format that you can start implementing immediately!